The 0.696 3821
._[number]_The 0.684 32815
T_he 0.573 16429
–_The 0.567 41511
The_' 0.536 72048
Publication 0.505 33475
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[number] 0.481 12
the 0.479 4
Home_" 0.476 13009
'_The 0.475 27042
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Official 0.470 9739
II_: 0.466 39214
4_: 0.462 18811
Proposed 0.461 47783
2_: 0.461 10018
Annual 0.460 13829
Report_: 0.459 51453
[number]_@card@ 0.458 23534
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7_: 0.455 30915
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