Anything 0.854 8483
Something 0.833 4860
Everything 0.781 3877
nothing 0.777 491
Hardly 0.748 24009
Nobody 0.724 7609
anything 0.722 427
Not 0.708 541
That 0.708 217
No 0.692 431
Nowhere 0.688 22900
something 0.687 205
Really 0.669 4877
Everybody 0.663 9069
And 0.662 137
Sounds 0.661 8563
Feels 0.657 41032
It 0.657 56
Nothin 0.655 87133
Kinda 0.651 35741
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Seems 0.640 11393
Utterly 0.639 74137
Absolutely 0.639 9028
Somebody 0.639 17389