Todays 0.877 51014
today's 0.765 2664
Yesterday's 0.729 42210
Today 0.705 1465
Tomorrow's 0.664 52114
Our 0.654 397
The 0.621 19
todays 0.621 19305
tomorrow's 0.611 21609
0.586 77
This 0.580 73
today 0.579 350
Weekly 0.576 10703
Businessweek 0.576 74456
Week's 0.575 63702
Journal's 0.575 57818
Introducing 0.573 20921
Savvy 0.573 38381
With 0.571 286
Increasingly 0.570 26300
week's 0.569 6323
Industry's 0.569 99709
Insider's 0.569 97083
Tough 0.567 20450
Barron's 0.562 75568