while 0.786 170
Whilst 0.757 7345
whist 0.756 92872
relishing 0.672 52244
alongside 0.653 3816
socialising 0.641 54009
enjoying 0.628 3257
realising 0.624 23143
having 0.615 264
utilising 0.612 23476
and 0.605 5
consequently 0.603 6754
savouring 0.597 90310
emphasising 0.591 52190
well 0.590 110
thus 0.583 1222
maximising 0.581 40707
superb 0.580 4891
minimising 0.578 40467
Alongside 0.574 24702
towards 0.574 802
Apart 0.571 7216
focussing 0.570 31533
with 0.569 15
impressing 0.566 38078